Jumat, 24 Mei 2013

Is it really hard to forgive?

     Ohayou gozaimasu! Finally it's time to me to write some my opinion that i wanna wrote yesterday. What the opinion was about?. This story begin from the "new student" in my campus. Three last day, he did something that makes everybody (especially academic community of Faculty of Forestry) upset and angry, sure. So, what happened?
     His initial name's NHY. He's the first grade. One night, he tweeted a tweet that affront my faculty. Okay, the tweet that he tweeted I never to show in here. Hehe sorry!. He tweeted it twice. Of course, with the advances in technology, all the things that you share in the socmed will make others know. No one didn't know. Take that!

     You know, this makes me angry. How rude that boy who affronted my home (faculty red.). It not a long time for him to make a new tweet, said "sorry Fahutan tadi dibajak! (Sorry to faculty of Forestry, it (last tweet) was hacked!)". But, we didn't believe at all. And it's not to take a long time for us to catch him. After some execution, he fessed up that the tweet is made by him. To account for it, we gave him some demands that must be done. Include, make an apologize in front of academic community of Faculty of Forestry. Live!
     Two last day, he did an apologize live in front of academic community of Faculty of Forestry. There was so crowded with the student, staff, lecture, even its Dekan (boss of faculty). In front of us, he said the apologize.  For the first time, I really hate him, but when I see his face is so sad. He got some bully from some student. He bore the brunt, heavy load. I know that from his eyes. But, I can't do anything for that. This was done by him. Let this be a lesson for him to be more careful in the act and say.
     But, there are something disturb in my think. The demands that gave to him is so really much and hard. You know, to make one apologize in front of many people can be reduce the mentality. What about the demands. Just a little bit leak, he was given 7 demands. In my little opinion, to make one apologize as he had done, it's enough. Why it should be 6 more?. It's not easy. I know he did brave heart last day when the apologize. You know, God will forgive if we do wrong. Why we, human, didn't do that? We can do that if we open our heart.
     Surely, I cant do anything. I just pray that this thing will be done sooner. I hope he do the demands as fluent. It give me a lesson, that we should think twice before doing something. We should think the impact from our act and our say. And the most important, the forgiveness must exist within us. Yes. We should be wiser from now.

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